
Boeing received a boost over rival Airbus as Air Canada and Air India both said they would place orders for long-haul aircraft with the American firm. The deals are a fillip to Boeing, which has fallen behind its European rival in recent years (the company reported a 14% decline in first-quarter net profit compared with a year ago). Meanwhile, Airbus’s A380 super-jumbo made its maiden flight near Toulouse, France.

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Mexico’s president, Vicente Fox, sacked his attorney-general after several hundred thousand people took part in a “silent march” of support for Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the mayor of Mexico City, who was facing contempt of court charges which could bar him from standing in a presidential election next year. Mr Fox said a new attorney-general would review the case and seek to preserve “political harmony”.

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Nissan, Japan’s second-largest carmaker, recorded a 15% increase in revenue for the year ending March 31st: net profit was up by 1.7% to ¥512.3 billion ($4.7 billion). Honda, Japan’s third-largest carmaker, said net profit for the same year rose by 4.7%, to ¥486.1 billion. Both companies were helped by strong sales in America, but both also voiced concerns that higher prices for commodities such as steel might curb future growth.

Continue reading “eゼミ:日産、ホンダ好調(BTW第18回)”


The conclave of cardinals elected a new pope, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who took the name Benedict XVI. The choice pleased traditionalists but dismayed liberals: Cardinal Ratzinger, an arch-conservative German, was John Paul II’s chief theological enforcer.

Continue reading “eゼミ:新ローマ法王誕生(PTW第17回)”


The New York Stock Exchange said that it was joining forces with Archipelago, an electronic exchange. If the deal goes through, the new company, of which the NYSE’s owners will have 70%, will be a listed, for-profit entity, ending its mutual status.

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