I love baking. People would think I’m a girlie girl, a nice/good housewife or sort of like that, if I say I love baking. And I don’t like people to think of me like that. Nevertheless, I love baking.
Baking in winter makes me wanting do more bakings. Because the oven is on for long hours, inside of the house become nicely warm, really good smell of cookies, cakes, or whatever in the oven spreads just I’d like it to be spread, and this is the best thing: you’ll have hot sweets afterall.
The rule of thumb of baking is one: you don’t melt your butter, you just soften it. Two: you add sugars and mix until the mixture gets really really, I mean really white. Three: you don’t follow the recipe for the amount of liquid. It HAS TO be changed depending on the humidity of the day, the water contents of your ingredients, and the type of the ingredients you’re using. For example, if you decide to bake something with almonds, maybe some slices of them, then you need more liquid, like water or milk. If you’re dealing with fruits, like peaches or apples, you want to use fewer amount of the liquid. So basically, you just have to feel it. Beginners may think it’s too difficult, but that’ll come to you as you bake more.
So, Akinori and I might add a little more pounds when this winter ends, but we don’t care. Really.