
Went to swim this morning. I’ve been doing this 3 mornings in a row. When I get to my locker, I do the combination unlocking. 28-18-10, then the lock clicks, door is open. I take out my swim suit and a gogle and change. Then I take a shower a bit with my suit on (it is required, right?).
Go out to the pool, greet with a lifeguard or two, and I quietly get in the water. First water feels really cold but I quickly get used to it before I know, and it actually starts feeling comfortably warm in a minute. Then I slowly start breaststroking. It takes roughly just over a minute to do a turn-around, so I keep stroking for a half hour. By the time I get about 1000 meters, I notice I’ve been thinking in the water.
It’s like you’re alone in the whole world, talking to yourself, and thinking deeply about stuff you really don’t have to think about. Then I think about what I just think, and go like, this is a quite luxury that I have time to think about stuff I really don’t have to think about. Lucky me, I’ve been feeling as if I’m almost like “suffered” by doing a bunch of things that I really don’t have to do, like Prelims. Lucky me, I have such luxuries in my life.

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