
America’s secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, visited six Asian countries: India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Japan, South Korea and China. Before embarking on the tour, Ms Rice said she hoped an anti-secession law aimed at Taiwan, which the Chinese parliament passed this week, would convince the European Union not to lift its arms embargo against China.

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Bernie Ebbers, the former chief executive of WorldCom, was convicted for his part in an $11 billion fraud that led to the biggest corporate bankruptcy in America’s history. The company’s chief financial officer at the time, Scott Sullivan, appeared as a government witness and testified that Mr Ebbers had told him to fiddle the accounts to prop up the firm’s share price (Mr Sullivan has already pleaded guilty). Sentencing will be held in June.

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Ugandan delegation begged the International Criminal Court not to indict the leaders of the Lord’s Resistance Army, a Ugandan rebel group that often tortures children. Ugandans worry that the threat of prosecution would scupper efforts to end the civil war by offering amnesty to rebels who surrender.

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The SEC filed a civil lawsuit against the former CEO of Qwest, Joseph Nacchio, and six other former executives. They are accused, among other things, of fraudulently reporting $3 billion in revenue to seal a merger with another telecom company in 2000. The SEC wants the executives to repay bonuses and options accrued during the period. Mr Nacchio denies the charges.

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