
A committee investigating the UN’s oil-for-food scandal cleared Kofi Annan, the organisation’s embattled secretary-general, of impropriety in the award of a multi-million dollar UN contract to Cotecna, a company
for which his son, Kojo, worked. But it castigates his son for lying about his role in the affair and leaves many questions unanswered.

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eゼミ:B. Hathaway社不正疑惑(BTW第11回)

Warren Buffett, boss of Berkshire Hathaway, agreed to meet regulators investigating a reinsurance contract between AIG, an insurance group, and General Re (a unit of Berkshire Hathaway), which is at the centre of probes into AIG’s financial and insurance practices. The legendary investor says he did not have detailed knowledge of the transaction. Meanwhile, Maurice “Hank” Greenberg stepped down as chairman of AIG, two weeks after leaving the post of CEO.

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An American federal judge and then an appeals court ruled that a vital feeding-tube could not be reinserted into Terri Schiavo, a severely brain-damaged woman. The federal judiciary’s involvement came after an extraordinary intervention by Congress, which passed a bill (speedily signed by George Bush) allowing Mrs Schiavo’s parents to ask for a fresh ruling after Florida’s state courts decided the tube should be removed. Mrs Schiavo’s husband argues that his wife would prefer to die.

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