eゼミ:Equitable Life裁判(BTW第14回)

The trial began in Equitable Life’s £3.75 billion ($7.1 billion) claim for damages against Ernst & Young, its former auditor, and 15 former directors. Equitable, a British mutually owned assurer, blames the defendants for its near collapse in 2000.

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An estimated 2m people were expected in central Rome ahead of the funeral of Pope John Paul II. The death of the 84-year-old spiritual leader of the Catholic church was announced on April 2nd, unleashing a wellspring of emotions from pilgrims gathered in St Peter’s Square. The pope’s body was taken to St Peter’s basilica where thousands filed past to pay their respects. The College of Cardinals announced that the conclave to elect a new pope would begin on April 18th.

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eゼミ:揺れるMorgan Stanley(BTW第13回)

A dissident group of former Morgan Stanley executives stepped up their campaign to oust chief executive Philip Purcell by recommending that he be replaced by Robert Scott, a former president of the investment bank. Meanwhile, Morgan Stanley announced it was spinning off its Discover credit-card unit, which Mr Purcell had helped create when at Sears Roebuck in the 1980s.

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Observers from South Africa and other African nations declared a heavily rigged parliamentary election in Zimbabwe to have been free and fair. President Robert Mugabe, whose party now has the two-thirds majority necessary to change Zimbabwe’s constitution, said he might stuff parliament with more unelected members and stay in office until he is 100.

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Japan’s prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, unveiled a plan to privatise Japan Post, the country’s postal system, by 2017. This includes giant savings and insurance units and by some estimates is the world’s largest financial institution. However, Mr Koizumi’s blueprint faces intense political opposition.

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