
旦那様のAさんはこのセメスターにマスターのディフェンス予定ですが、結構順調みたい。Thanksgiving Breakにプチ旅行にでも行く?という余裕発言まで飛び出しました。行くとしたらどこかなぁ、とカナダはビクトリアのウェブを見るわたし。でも多分行かないでしょうけどね。まだ分かりません。

Hair Cut

Today I did Akinori’s haircut. Though the increase of the number of hair is in question, his hair grows very fast. I have not been in the mood of cutting his hair for almost 2 months, so his hair has looked quite interesting these days.
This morning he showed how he did not like the parts that his hair overgrowed behind his ears, and yes, that disgusted me. So I stood up and worked on it. Now he looks quite all right and we’re both happy. Hope he does not get cold.


そういえば、TriologyのMatrixの完結編、Revolutionですが、11月5日から始まります。で、今回はIMAX Experienceと称して世界各地のIMAXシアターの超大画面にやってくるらしいですよ。東京にも来そうですね。私の住んでいる近くだとスポケンにIMAX シアターあります。行っちゃおうかなぁ。クリスタルクリアーな画像と15/70の大画面、ちょっと魅力的です。




I finished the abstract I was working on. I originally had 570 words in it but Val kindly edited it for me to shorten it (the abstract must be 500 words or less). Now my task is to make a poster about it. I have a design idea in my mind and I have all the data I want to present, so all I have to do is to take time to make the poster!
Yesterday I went out for a dinner with Ben. When we were leaving the restaurant, a bizarre thing happened. I got really upset by this so I called everything that we planned the rest of the night off. I called Akinori right away and tried to go home as quickly as possible, but the bizarrer (by hundreds times!) thing occured! The Pullman-Moscow highway was closed because of a major accident. I did not know how we could get home without using the Pullman-Moscow highway. I opened the window to ask someone, then before I opened my mouth, somebody looked very very nice drove by, and asked me “Are you goin’ back to Pullman?” “Yeah,” I said. He smiled and said “follow me!” so I did. He went on the old Pullman road (what a dumb of me, I forgot about this road!) so we went back. Anyway it was a terrible night out. I’ll never go out with him.
When I got back, two of Akinori’s friends were at home watching a sports news. Lots of upsets happened in the college football so WSU might go up a big time today (could be within the top 10)! I cannot wait to see the ranking this afternoon.