Dear John

dearjohn.jpgDear John (Nicholas Sparks)
わりとマッチョな雰囲気のただようアメリカの若い男性作家の文章にしては、内容がかなり女々しすぎる(失礼)イメージがあったので、彼のThe Notebookなどの代表作は映画では見て涙したけれど、本までは読んだことがなかったので、ヘルシンキの空港でたまたま見かけた時に、時間つぶしに読んでみようと思って買ってみました。
非常に簡易な英単語の並ぶ、お世辞にも「文学的」とは言いがたい文章ですが(私、何様でしょうか)、そのおかげかあっという間に読み終えました。読みながらひたすら涙を流し続けたり、時には嗚咽までしたりしなければいけないので人前で読むには大変な本です。誤解を恐れずに書きますが、私個人の読後の感想としては「意外」でした。タイトルの”Dear John”からイメージするのはいわゆる「”Dear John”レター」と一般に言われる、戦場にいるフィアンセにお別れを告げる女性からの手紙だし、これは胸が痛い感じの戦争絡みのお別れの話かと思いきや、実は、父と息子の、家族のお話だったのです。ニコラススパークスといえば男性の目からみた「ロマンス」のお話というイメージだし、実際、このお話もそういうカテゴリーといえばそうだし、大きな枠で言えば「究極の男女の愛情とは」というような、私からしてみたらちょっと微妙に壮大すぎるトピックがメインなので、これを「父と息子」の話だと結論付けてしまうのはちょっとズレているかもしれません。でも私にはそういう風に写った、というだけです。
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Our story has three parts: a beginning, a middle, and an end. And although this is the way all stories unfold, I still can’t believe that ours didn’t go on forever.
He was, I’ve long since come to believe, a far better man than I’ll ever be.
Surfing is a solitary sport, one in which long and it teaches you to flow with nature, instead of fighting it… it’s about getting in the zone. That’s what the surfing magazines say, anyway, and I mostly agree. There’s nothing quite as exciting as catching a wave and living within a wall of water as it rolls toward shore. But I’m not like a lot of those dudes with freeze-dried skin and stingy hair who do it all day, every day, because they think it’s the be-all and end-all of existence. It isn’t. For me, it’s more about the fact that the world is crazy noisy almost all the time, and when you’re out there, it’s not. You’re able to hear yourself think.”
私はサーフィンはしたことはないし、なんとなく、私にはできるスポーツではないことを確信しているけれど、この、夢中にひたすらやって”hear myself think”する状態は分かる気がすると思いました。水泳なんかやってると特に。
Time is relative. I know I’m not the first to realize it and far from the most famous, and my realization had nothing to do with energy or mass or the speed of light or anything else Einstein might have postulated. Rather, it had to do with the drag of hours while I waited for Savannah.
He was my father, and he’d done his best. I knew that now. And when at last I closed the book and set it aside, I found myself staring out the window, thinking how proud I was of him while trying to swallow the lump in my throat.
Swallow the lump in my throatな泣き方ってある特定の状況のときに私に良く起こるので、それを思い出しただけで泣けました。
I hugged him, then rose and brought him the latest issue of the Greysheet. When I reached the door, I stopped once more and faced him. For the first time since he’d been there, the fear was almost gone. He held the paper close to his face, and I could see the page shaking slightly. His lips were moving as he concentrated on the words, and I forced myself to study him, hoping to memorize his face forever.
Back at home, I sat tentatively on the edge of my dad’s bed. BY then the rain had stopped, and gray sunlight slanted through the window. The house had a musty, almost moldy odor, but I could still smell the scent of my dad on his pillow. Beside me was the envelope the lawyer had brought me. I poured out the contents. The will was on top, as were some other documents.
Whenever I’m at home, I keep expecting to see my mom in the kitchen or my dad puttering around the garden.” He hesitated, and I knew he was replaying those images. At last he shook his head. “Did that happen to you? When you were home?” “Every single minute.”

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