
20080502_reconciliation.jpgReconciliation (Benazir Bhutto)
出張に2冊の本を持っていったのですがDubaiで読み切ってしまったのでフィリピンに行く前に目についたこの本を買いました。あのパキスタンのブット元首相の最後の本です。とりあえず表紙の美しい彼女の写真にまず衝撃を受けます。タイトルはReconciliationでサブタイトルとしてIslam, Democracy, and the Westというのがついていて、多分意識的に仏教や他のアジアの国のことには極力触れないように書いてあるのが印象的です。ちょっと無視されている気すらしますが、それでも彼女の「パキスタンをなんとかしなければ」という強い意志を感じることができてちょっと感動します。イスラムの教えやキリスト教やユダヤ教などを比較しながら、どういうふうに教典や聖書を読み解いて行くかというのが本題なので、ちょっとそのあたりに明るくないと難しい部分も多く、何度も同じ箇所を読み直しながら理解を進めて行きました。が、私はこれを読んだことで過激派の人たちがどんなことを考えているのかが一瞬分かった気がして重い気分にもなりました。感想はさらに下に続きます。
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When I lived in our village in Larkana as a child in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the women in my family never left our home. The shopkeepers would come to us, as would the rest of the world. When I reached the age of puberty, my mother asked me to wear a burqa. Suddenly the world looked gray. I felt hot and uncomfortable breathing under the confines of the cloth. My father took one look at me and said, “My daughter does not have to wear the veil.” My mother decided that if I was not to wear the all-enveloping burqa, she too would not wear one. So a departure from tradition took place.

THere is a famous saying of the Holy Prophet that “the best veil is the veil in the eyes.” That means that men should be God-fearing and look at women with respect.


The West must be ready to acknowledge the residual damage of colonialism and its support for dictatorships during the Cold War. The West, and especially the United States of America, must be ready to revisit the rippling impact of the so-called global war on terror, which is perceived by perhaps hundreds of millions of Muslims as a “global war on Islam.” Many Muslims fear that the Islamic faith is under attack and Muslims are under siege. They believe that the conflict in Iraq is part of a much broader (and nefarious) Western agenda. Before the problem can be solved, we need to recognize that it exists.


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