The Balance Thing

The Balance Thing (Margaret Dumas)
ローマのフィウミチーノ空港のターミナルBの2階にある小さな本屋さんにはちょこっとだけ英語の本があるので、飛行機の中で読めるようなくだらない(失礼)本があればいいなぁと思って適当に目についたハートマークいっぱいのこの本を買ってみたら、その軽さといったら今まで読んだ本の中で一番じゃないかと思えるほど軽くてあっさり飛行機の中であっさり読み終わりました。A little black dress bookシリーズで、ブリジットジョーンズみたいなのを想像していただけたら良いかと思います。が、著者がカリフォルニアベイエリアのプチギークであることを考慮にいれ、ブリジットジョーンズおたく版という感じのほうが近いかもしれません。いろんなリストが登場し、なかなかおもしろいんですが、ちょっとだけannoyingなのがハイフンを使った表現(don’t-look-at-me-like-that kind of lookとかそういう感じ)の多用。私もあんまり使わないように気をつけよう。
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‘I do too!’ I protested. ‘I have a whole list of rules.’ I began counting them off. ‘Don’t date a guy who wears more jewelry than me, don’t date a guy who uses party as a verb, don’t date a Taurus because they’re emotionally unavailable-‘


‘Didn’t you get her instructions?’ I asked. ‘What instructions?’ I pulled a neatly typed 3 x 5 card out of my evening bag. ‘Number One: Eat a large salad with no-cal dressing before tha party. Number Two: Drink one 8-ounce glass of mineral water between each alcoholic beverage. Number Three: Limit alcoholic beverages to-‘

これは結婚式での新婦の行動ルールらしいです。内容は別にどうでもいいんですけど、3 x 5 cardっていうのがなんだか懐かしいなと思って。私はカラフルなやつをいつも買って試験に挑んでました。本当に良いんですよ。色別のカードで覚えるの。いまだにビタミンの効能を思い出そうとするとき、私の脳裏にはカラフルなカードに私の手書きの文字が浮かび上がります。

Fabulous new hairstyle. Check. All new makeup employing all the latest beauty breakthroughs. Check. A vast number of brushes with which to apply makeup. Check. Hair care products, skin care products, nail care products. Check. Slinky little dresses and flirty little skirts. Check. Selection of tops with plunging necklines. Check. Lingerie. Double Check. Shoes and bags. Oh my God, Check.

これは意中の彼を落とすためのチェックリスト。私の中でツボだったのはSlinky little dresses and flirty little skirts.のところ。うーんフラーティなスカートってわかる!なんだかふわふわしてて軽くてちょっと透けてそうで裾がひらひらしてるあれね!私も大好きだわ。

I winced. I hate to be needy. I don’t like being weak and I don’t like being dependent. Hell, I don’t even like being taken to the airport.


‘He took me to the airport this morning.’ That stopped her. At least for a few seconds. ‘You let him?’ ‘Not only that,’ I told her. ‘I liked it.’ ‘Becks! This is huge!’

I had liked it. And it was huge. I never let people take me to the airport. I hate it. I hate that they’re doing me a favor. I hate that I have to make conversation with them all the long way there, and keep telling them what airline I’m on because they always forget and have to circle the departures level forever after they’ve missed the right turnout. And I have to be cheerful about that, even though it means I won’t have time to stop at Starbucks before getting on the plane because this person is taking time out of their life to get me to the damn airport.

I’d much rather just pay an anonymous cabbie who does this for a living, doesn’t care if I want to spend the time in the taxi thinking about everything that I have to do once I get wherever I’m going, and who knows when to turn to get me to the right drop-off zone.

But Josh had woken me up early that morining, taken me to my place, and made coffee while I threw things out of last week’s suitcase and into this week’s. And then we hadn’t even discussed it. He’d taken me and it hadn’t felt like a gigantic thing, and the conversation hadn’t been forced, and he’d known better than me what flight I was on, because he’d printed my itinerary out from my e-mail while I’d been in the shower. It had been…nice.


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