緑茶は健康に良いという通説、またNY Timesでとりあげられていました。
一応、緑茶の中の、カテキン(英語だとカテチンと発音します)という成分、もっとくわしく言うと、Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)という成分が、なんらかの効果をもたらすと言われてるのですね。そしてその「効果」についてはいろいろと研究されています。たとえば、「やせる!」とか「歯垢をしらないあいだに取り除く!」とかはたまた「ガンに効く!」などなど。
Published: March 9, 2004
Question: Is there a green tea extract that provides the same health benefits as the brewed stuff? The recommended number of cups is too much for me to drink.
Answer: Laboratory tests and some, but not all, epidemiological studies suggest that green tea has properties that may help prevent cancer and arterial plaque, and there are dietary supplements that contain catechins, the substances in green tea that are suspected, but not proved, to have health benefits.
Health claims for the supplements, which are sometimes marketed for weight loss, cancer and plaque, would require rigorous clinical trials to substantiate, and they have not been done, said Dr. Sheldon S. Hendler, co-editor of the PDR for Nutritional Supplements, the standard reference book in the field.
“In the meantime, those who enjoy green tea should continue to do so,” Dr. Hendler suggested.
“Catechins are potent antioxidants, and they also have anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherogenic and antimicrobial activities, at least in the laboratory,” he said.
In the epidemiological studies suggesting that green tea may have cancer-preventive activity, the amount of green tea consumed was about 10 or more teacups a day, each with about 30 milligrams of catechins.
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the major catechin in tea. (White tea, an expensive brew made from very young tea leaves, has even more catechins, and black tea, because it is fermented, has fewer.)