SNE 2004 アブストラクト

ユタ州はソルトレイクシティで、Society for Nutrition Education (SNE)が今年の7月に開催する学会のアブストラクト締め切りが昨日だったので、一応応募しておきました。学会発表は、だいたいにおいて拒否されることはないのであまり心配はないのですが、このSNEのアブストラクトは250単語というリミットで、普通のアブストラクトよりずっとずっと短いという規制があるのです。
このことを考えるといつも、仲良しの友達、Debbieのことを思い出します。彼女はいつも、「あたしやあなたの研究が世界を救うわけじゃないし」と、シニカルでした。私だって世界を救おうと思って研究をしているわけじゃないけれど、研究費を下さっているUSDA (United States Department of Agriculture) や、私の教育費や生活費を出して下さっているワシントン州に対して、そういうシニカルな態度は失礼だと思います。私はいただいている以上のことをしてはじめて、そのお礼ができると思っているので、なんとかして自分の研究を形にしたいのです。たとえ世界は救えなくても。


Contact Author:
Masami T. Takeuchi, MS., 646376 Department of FSHN Washington State University, Phone (509) 335-2438, FAX (509) 335-4815,
Miriam Edlefsen, PhD. RD, 646376 Department of FSHN Washington State University, Phone (509) 335-1395, FAX (509) 335-4815,; Sandy McCurdy, PhD., RD, 3183 Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Idaho Moscow, ID 83844, Phone (208) 885-6972,; Zena Edwards, 646376 Department of FSHN Washington State University, FAX (509) 335-4815,; Val Hillers PhD. RD, 646376 Department of FSHN Washington State University, Phone (509) 335-2970, FAX (509) 335-4815,
Effect of an Educational Intervention on Consumers’ Readiness to Adopt Thermometer Use when Cooking Small Cuts of Meat: An Application of the Transtheroretical Model
Objectives of the study were to use the Transtheoretical Model to measure consumers’ attitudes and readiness regarding thermometer use and to determine how individuals at different Stages of Change respond to an educational intervention regarding thermometer use. Randomly selected consumers in Washington and Idaho (n=2500) were surveyed about their thermometer use with small cuts of meat. Respondents who returned the survey received a packaged set of educational materials including a brochure, a video, illustrated recipe cards, and a refrigerator magnet. All materials contained information about use of thermometers and recommended end-point temperatures. Information about cooking techniques for ground meat patties that are most effective in killing E. coli O157:H7 was also included in the video, brochure and recipe cards. The post-intervention survey was mailed to participants four weeks later to assess their current Stage of Change regarding thermometer use and their frequency of thermometer use when cooking small cuts of meats. The response rates for pre-intervention and post-intervention surveys were 32.6% (815/2500) and 49.5% (399/806) respectively. Prior to the intervention, fewer than 4% of participants were classified in action or maintenance stages (indicating they used a thermometer when cooking small cuts of meat) and 74% were in precontemplation or contemplation. The intervention resulted in increased thermometer use with 12% of post-intervention participants classified as action SOC, 11% as maintenance, 30% in precontemplation and 8% in contemplation. This research is based on work supported by the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, US Department of Agriculture under Agreement No. 2001-51110-11464. (250 words)

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