The Safety of Objects

20030601safetyofobjects.jpgThe Safety of Objects (A. M. Homes)
[ 洋書籍 | 日本語未翻訳 ]

これは、書評じゃなくて、私の正直な感想を書きたいところですが、中でもかなりこのA.M. Homesという著者はメンタリーイルだと思ったのがChunky in Heatというお話。汗をかいた太ももが、外においてあるビニールカバーのカウチにピタっとはりつくかんじが信じられないくらいリアルで、うっかり、その場面を目撃してしまったようなスゴイ気分になりました。
でもホントの私の好みだったのは”Looking for Johnny”で、魚釣りを教わるところ。魚を釣り上げる瞬間は、リアルライフと同じ、魚に、魚がつかまったことを知らせてはいけない、というクダリです。Excerptはこういうかんじ:

I walked through the woods behind Randy. “The trick,” he said, “is just like life. Don’t let them know you want them. Play dumb and they’ll act dumb.” He pushed the boat into the water and we waded in. My jeans got wet up to my thighs and felt like weights wrapped around my legs. Randy rowed out into the lake.
There was a yank on my line and I sat up. “Pull back slowly, just a little bit.” I did what he said. “Don’t let him think he’s caught. If he thinks he can get away he’ll try and wait you out. But if you let him know he’s caught, he’ll fight like hell.” We pulled him in and then the fish was there, hanging from the hook, staring at me. Randy dropped him onto the floor of the boat. The fish flopped around. “Say hello to dinner,” Randy said.


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