FBIといってもG-Menのことじゃありません。Foodborne Illness、つまり食中毒のことです。
NY Timesのニュースで、下に引用しておきますが、私の見解としては、ここに挙げられた微生物だけにかぎらず、なにかにアタったな、と思ったときは、日本は立派な健康保険もあることだし、念のために病院に行くことをおすすめします。でもただただ病院にいってもお医者さまも忙しいので、ちゃんと宿題をしていくことが必要です。つまり、ここ少なくとも3日くらいのあいだに食べた食べ物などをメモしていく、いつくらいから調子がわるいか、特に、これは簡単なことですが、「上」か「下」かを報告するのは大事なことです。つまり、吐き気を覚えたり、実際に嘔吐してしまった場合は「上」ですね、で、お腹が痛かったり、くだしてしまったりした場合は「下」ということになります。単純なことですが、お医者さまにとっては何がアタったかを考えたり、その後の対応などにとても有用ですのでこれを忘れずに報告すること覚えておくと便利かもしれません。


Diagnosis: Food Infections as Stealth Killers
Deaths from food-related infections appear to be more common than standard estimates indicate, according to a new study that found higher mortality rates among victims up to a year after the time of infection.
The study, published on Saturday in BMJ, the journal of the British Medical Association, tracked about 50,000 people who reported gastrointestinal infections and compared them with almost 500,000 people who did not.
The study’s senior author, Dr. Kare Molbak of the Danish Epidemiology Science Center in Copenhagen, said that current mortality estimates were based on the numbers of deaths recorded during the acute illnesses accompanying the infections.
But his group found that infected people had more than double the risk of death over the course of a year, even after the results were adjusted to take into account other existing illnesses.
Dr. Molbak said the data could not reveal the causes of death. But he said other studies had shown that these infections shigella, campylobacter, yersinia enterocolitica and salmonella could cause a variety of complications, including dehydration, unnecessary surgery when abdominal pain was misdiagnosed and the spread of the infection through the bloodstream.
“Nearly all of these complications are treatable if patients seek early medical attention,” Dr. Molbak said. “Patients who think that they have got a severe foodborne infection should seek medical treatment.”

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